Monday, December 13, 2010

Check out that technique

Channeling her inner Napoleon DynamitePosted by Picasa

Parent observation

This week was Nadia's last week of dance for the year. I decided to try some fancy features out in Picassa. Hopefully it won't be too annoying....

Just look at that.....some may call it the camel dance. Here comes the camel........swishin his tail.... I'm pretty sure Mrs. Kelly does not approve : )

What a big girl

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Ummmmm......that is definitely not part of the instruction.........

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving for realz

Someone is missing from this table. Can you guess who that may be? hint: key lime pie and Mr. Norman....

How many Smith's does it take to carve a turkey? Two, folks....just two.

Brothers, Aye!

Sometimes Blaine has to sit at the kid table......but only when he's throwing a tantrum.

Nutcracker rehearsal and a little thanksgiving too

Who's ready for recital?

Is that not the sweetest ballerina you have ever seen? My heart is officially gone.
Someone insists she is tiger lily........ just in time for Thanksgiving.
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